A lot is required from an ERP system. Select and design one that aligns with your company’s critical success factors and helps your supply chain perform smoothly.

I frequently help clients select the “right” system to help them achieve their business strategy. One of the keys is to evaluate with an eye towards your supply chain. In today’s marketplace, the supply chain is often a core consideration. If we want customers to be happy, make sure your supply chain performs expertly.

In today’s Amazon-impact world, customers expect extreme service levels.  We need to anticipate their needs. Deliver rapidly. Be accessible. And the list goes on… Thus, to achieve these lofty objectives while not breaking the bank, we must create nimble and efficient supply chains – from your suppliers’ suppliers to your customers’ customers. What system functionality should be considered?

Throw best practices out the window! Many systems tout that their system has “best practice processes” and so everyone should conform to it. Not if you want to stand out from the crowd. Instead, identify your critical success factors and align with the right system to achieve endgame results. I’ve recently introduced my proprietary process ACE for just this objective. Contact me if you are interested in learning more about ACE. 

© Lisa Anderson