Results follow people who put together strategies and successfully implement them. Great tools help, but people are critical to improving your bottom line.

Results don’t occur with the latest fads – even with good fads such as lean manufacturing or SIOP (sales, inventory and operations planning) programs. Results don’t occur with cool system functionality – certainly, it makes life easier if you have great tools but results won’t occur due to a system. Instead, results follow people. LMA Consulting Group has been in business for over 11 years, and prior to that I was a VP of Operations and Supply Chain for an absorbent products manufacturer. I’ve yet to see an example of results that didn’t follow the people.

For example, in working with an aerospace manufacturer a few years ago, we had to rapidly improve service levels for our customers. After a quick assessment, we started implementing a plan to resolve the bottleneck operation. In two months, what had not been resolved in a year was dramatically improved with the rollout of our plan. However, the plan wasn’t the 80%; the reason for success went back to the people. Management supported the plan and was involved on a daily basis in the rollout. The executive in charge visibly supported the plan even when inconvenient.  The team met daily to review progress, discuss issues and ensure success.

Down-the-line, the management team changed. The executives left. The emphasis changed to different topics. And service levels fell. Certainly, the new process and plan would still work. Results followed the people – out the door. Then, as one would expect, things changed again. People re-focused, and business started improving.

We all fight fires and hopefully put together and execute strategies; however, we must keep in mind that getting distracted on reports, the latest fads and the like are useless unless accompanied with leadership. If you are interested in ensuring results follow people, contact us on leveraging our proprietary process, the 5P Accelerator to fast track growth and profits.


© Lisa Anderson