The technical aspects of SIOP, also known as S&OP, still have to filter through people. Success happens when everyone in an organization is operating from a single integrated plan.

As with everything in business success, SIOP (sales, inventory and operations planning) success is a straight line back to people. Thus, it is the reason I started my business with the “Profit through People” brand and continue with it as one of our service lines and for our newsletter. In the last 5 years, we have completed many SIOP projects and have found the keys to delivering rapid, bottom-line results – exceptional customer service, significant growth, improved margins, accelerated cash flow and high morale. These keys to success are built into our proprietary process for SIOP, 4 EXCEL, which drives exponential results.

Even though SIOP is all about aligning demand with supply and has many technical components ranging from demand planning to master scheduling to inventory strategy and cash flow planning, we have gained the most significant results by aligning ALL areas of the organization on one page – the PEOPLE! There is no coincidence that the first of the 4 E’s of EXCEL is ENGAGE.

Some of the most challenging issues we’ve faced while implementing SIOP had nothing to do with the technical components. For example:

  • How do we get sales and production on the same page?
  • Can R&D and production work to one integrated plan?
  • How can we align our customers and suppliers on the same page?
  • How can we get finance, sales and operations on the same page?
  • And so on…

We find that becoming expert in culture change and collaboration is important to success. Clearly, communication is at the crux of this equation as well. If you are thinking about how to get each of these parties to see how SIOP will benefit them to align on one page, give us a call to learn more about 4 EXCEL by reading our book, SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning): Creating Predictable Revenue and EBITDA Growth.

© Lisa Anderson