Customer service is no longer just a department. A thriving business will pay full attention to all customer points of contact and ensure positive experiences.

Companies that create loyal fans of customers thrive and leave the rest in the dust!  This has never been truer than it is in today’s new normal business environment.  That’s why my APICS Inland Empire chapter is bringing together top executives to discuss the topic at our fall executive panel and networking symposium on the Amazon Effect: The Critical Importance of Customer Service for Manufacturers and Distributors.

Customer service has been at least a component of why I was called into 100% of my clients in the last few years.  That is shocking since pre-recession; it rarely arose in pre-client conversations.  Thus, it is top of mind for executives.  Amazon and Amazon-like distributors have dramatically increased customer expectations, ranging from shortened lead times to accelerated delivery options, 24/7 service expectations, and it doesn’t stop there….

To succeed, we must work smarter; not harder.  A few of the top strategies for success include:  1) Think of your people as your #1 asset!  2) Leverage internal and external best practice processes.  3) Upgrade technology and systems which are core to your business.  Identify your critical success factors and focus the 80/20 of your attention on just those priorities.  To learn more about ways to implement these strategies, review my webinar on the Amazon Effect: How Higher Customer Service Standards Impact Your Business and What You Need to Do to Thrive and/or check out our consulting services