Capacity & Labor Planning Consulting

Capacity & Labor Planning Consulting

Production & Materials Planning Consulting

Manufacturing is on a downward trend after eight months of PMI (purchasing manager’s index) below 50. It dropped to 46 in June. China’s manufacturing also shrank for a third month in a row to a PMI of 49. Yet manufacturers backlogs remain relatively robust in many industries, leading executives perplexed on what to do about capacity shortfalls.

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How Do You Benefit from Capacity & Labor Planning?

Blog posts for Capacity & Labor Planning

Guide on using SIOP/S&OP to maximize production capacity and output, highlighting efficiency in operations

SIOP / S&OP: Proactive Approach to Maximizing Production Output & Capacity

Clients are struggling to keep up with customer’s changing requests. Order backlogs remain relatively high (depending on the industry), but customers are pushing orders out at the last minute, pulling orders in without notice, adding future potential orders, and changing requirements on the fly. Production is scrambling to keep up.

Image: Business professionals analyzing capacity planning strategies to drive revenue and improve profitability

Using Capacity Planning to Increase Revenue & Profitability

Manufacturing is on a downward trend after eight months of PMI (purchasing manager’s index) below 50. It dropped to 46 in June. China’s manufacturing also shrank for a third month in a row to a PMI of 49. Yet manufacturers backlogs remain relatively robust in many industries, leading executives perplexed on what to do about capacity shortfalls.

Labor Scheduling for Operational Effectiveness: Strategies to Maximize Efficiency and Deliver Superior Customer Service

Labor Scheduling: How to Maximize Operational Effectiveness While Servicing Your Customer

At its simplest, labor scheduling is determining which people (and which skills) you should have at which sites at which work centers at what time (shift) to ensure the right products can be delivered to the right customer at the right time.

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Production & Materials Planning Consulting


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