As a leader, knowing how to treat people so that they feel important and a part of your company’s success builds a reliable team that will go the extra mile to deliver results.

Of course we talk about leadership more than anything else as it is #1 to business success. Thus, we are always looking for strategies and tips for success. One of our clients clearly prioritizes us – it is clear we are one of her top priorities. How often do you feel that way?

We happened to work with her in more than one company, and it was clear that her team appreciated her leadership style. People quite opposite in personality (who probably wouldn’t agree upon much) seemed to enjoy working with her. Of course, no one is perfect (including her) but she had this particular quality down pat – she knew how to treat people. Do you?

So, what are you doing to make your employees, peers, managers, trusted advisors and the like feel important? First, regardless of the fact that it is certainly a nicer way to live your daily work life, it will deliver results. Will you go the extra mile for someone who is rather grumpy and doesn’t seem to appreciate what you do or for someone that makes you feel important?

Some of the strategies I’ve seen that achieve this goal include the following:

  • Ask for their opinion.
  • Show up to scheduled meetings (sounds really silly but is a BIG deal).
  • Don’t say you have an open door policy and then keep looking at the clock when they show up at 4:50pm.
  • Find out what is important to the person and tailor projects to his/her interest.
  • Appreciate him/her when everything isn’t going perfectly.
  • Take the time to review goals and performance at least quarterly (no matter what crisis is going on).
  • Promote them and their projects to the rest of the organization.
  • Ask how you can help.

Which of these will you start using tomorrow? There is NO reason to wait to make people feel important – after all, people are our #1 asset.

© Lisa Anderson