As I just spoke on the “Secrets of Project Leadership Success in the New Normal” at ProjectWorld / BusinessAnalystWorld in Vancouver and had some fascinating discussions with other speakers and participants, it got me thinking about how often excpetion project managers are undervalued.

As it’s clear that those companies who achieve bottom line business results are those who value these resources, why do so many companies choose the less successful route? As I said in my speech, if there was a subject that went across organizational boundaries that could impact the bottom line, it would be project management. How do we take advantage of good ideas? Project management. How do we thrive in the new normal? Project management. Whether we realize it or not, those leaders who “get things done” typically are exceptional project managers and leaders. I’ll take a so-so idea with an excellent project leader anyday over a fabulous idea with a so-so project leader.

Take a step back and assess whether your organization has any exceptional project leaders? You might be surprised – who brings up future roadblocks and obstacles frequently with ideas/ recommendations to overcome them? They might even be considered annoying as it’s an “easier” day if no issues are constantly arising. Who has people following them regardless of their position title? Who ruffles a few features as no exceptional leader will stand by and let a non-performer go unaddressed on his/ her project team?

If you’re interested in reading more about successes, failures and case studies about project leadership, there are many articles on my Articles & Publications webpage under the category of Project Management – click here and/or I have a few years’ worth of monthly columns on the Project Times website – click here

© Lisa Anderson