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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Hawaii and Strategic Thinking

I met my global consulting group in Hawaii to talk strategy.  Have you thought about where you are going lately?  More importantly, have you thought about why you are going there?  It is quite easy to get caught up in doing whatever you set out to do a year [...]

People Rule!

Several situations have arisen recently that leads us to plead "choose wisely".  Examples abound on both sides of this topic.  Strong leaders attract top talent.  Weak and command and control leaders keep the weak and those close to retirement (in name only).  That is one of the things we [...]

2024-02-16T22:09:22-08:00June 14, 2018|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |

Should I Move? Practical Insights in Whether to Move

Uncover vital considerations for strategic business relocation, including lease renewals, cost factors, and supply chain assessments.

There is More to Chicago than Good Pizza. Logistics Anyone?

Chicago logistics is all about connectivity.  Connecting the east with the west, Chicago is a natural hub.  5 international airports, 7 Class I railroads carrying 50% of the nation's freight (think of the enormity of that figure!), 3rd largest intermodal port in the world, 3rd largest interstate highway system in America, and more. 

Supply Chain Management Is Evolving: How Will It Affect Your Enterprise?

Operational efficiencies, productivity improvements, and cost savings are the top-three strategic advantages of cloud-based supply chain management, according to an IDG survey of senior managers and directors around the world.

Stepping Up the Competitive Game: Dan Vest, Midpoint Bearing

How to Compete with Amazon: Dan Vest, Midpoint Bearing

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