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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Critical Mass Radio Show: Interview on Will Robots Pay Back?

From self-­driving cars to automatic machines, technology is taking over much of society. But should robots be viewed as the ultimatum? Lisa Anderson, author of Will Robots Pay Back?  joined us to share her perspective. Here are three takeaways from our time with Lisa Anderson on Critical Mass Radio Show

Strong Economy Creates Long-Term Growth Opportunities for Smart Businesses

CLAREMONT, Calif., / June 1, 2018/ExpertClick/ --The current strong economy offers opportunities for savvy organizations to strengthen their competitive positions, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Marketing From A Position of Strength Marketing while business is good may seem counterintuitive according to Linda Popky, president [...]

2024-06-16T17:17:34-07:00June 2, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , |

Imports & Exports: Which Companies Dominate? Related Impacts?

How significant is freight to your bottom line?  For example, when I was a VP of Operations for an absorbent healthcare products manufacturer (adult diapers, hospital underpads), freight was a BIG concern. 

E-Commerce Drives Industrial Space to New Heights

Where would you prefer to locate your operation?  Most likely as close to customers and your supply base as possible.  In this case, it means rates are going through the roof - if you can even get them. 

Collaboration in the Supply Chain

Are you taking a hard look at your collaborations and partners? 

The Skills Gap Emerges as #1 at Prominent Supply Chain Conference

At the Southern California Supply Chain and Logistics Summit conference, there were several keynote speakers from industry icons such as Amazon, UPS, Union Pacific and more.  One might expect quite a lot of interesting insights into the latest supply chain trends yet the most common theme among the presentations tied back to the skills gap.

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