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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Future AI Technology Neither Panacea Nor Threat

CLAREMONT, Calif., February 1, 2018/ExpertClick/ -- EAST GREENWICH, RI—Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be an important part of the business world in the future, but is unlikely to be either the panacea or global threat some paint it to be, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). [...]

Best Practices and the Bellagio Fountain

If you are an employee, take the proactive approach and seek out your manager to discuss where the company is headed.  Find out how you can add more value. 

Tariff News & Impacts….Whirlpool Adds People; LG Raises Price

Have you checked in with your supply chain lately?  Will they be geared up to support you or have you ignored them and don't know what might happen as production ramps up in the U.S.? 

Blockchain, IoT, data and robots “game changers” for supply chain industry in 2018

Uncover how blockchain, IoT, data analytics, and robotics are transforming the supply chain industry in 2018, reshaping business strategies.

2024-01-31T16:54:50-08:00January 24, 2018|Categories: ERP & Technology, In The News, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , , , , |

The Latest Trends

Once you have thought through the trends most likely to impact your business, it might make sense to think about how to transform these impacts into opportunities.  Profitable and scalable growth is the common thread among every single one of my clients.

2024-01-31T16:55:20-08:00January 22, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , , |

Big Grocery Chains Ramping Up Pressure on Food Suppliers

If you are not high performing in the food and beverage industry (and consumer products in general), you will not stay viable anymore.

Case in Point – The Customer Experience

Are you thinking beyond your customer requirements to the total experience?

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