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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Leveraging Technology for Supply Chain Success

Lisa Anderson shares strategies for leveraging technology in the supply chain for heightened efficiency and success.

Logistics Innovation – Where is it Going?

The global logistics industry will grow from its current hefty size of $8 trillion to $23 trillion by 2023 - what a sharp contrast!  Have you thought about how to be viable with these massive shifts going on? 

What’s New & Hot in Transportation?

Who knew transportation could be so complex?  As much as goes into transportation, consumers are trained to think of it as "free" (think Amazon Prime) and quick.  That certainly provides two conflicting forces!

Lisa Anderson and LMA Consulting Group Recognizes Kash Gokli as 2016 Annual LMA Advocate

Celebrating the 2016 LMA Advocate Award winner Kash Gokli, recognizing outstanding contributions to business success.

2024-06-16T20:45:21-07:00October 25, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , , |

Robots, IoT, AI, Autonomous Vehicles and More….

Autonomous vehicles for all intensive purposes are "here".  It will take some time with testing and regulations but there will be interesting impacts when considering some of the issues that plague transportation today.

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