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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Technology – Should We Take It or Leave It?

Technology - should we take it or leave it? Its adoption has impacts on ROI, if strategically aligned with business goals.

Time or Money – Which Gets the Priority?

Deciding between time or money is an intricate balance. Getting it right guides strategic decisions aligning with business goals.

SIOP: How Far Should You Look into the Future?

SIOP guides strategic forecasting to determine the optimal horizon for planning and future-proofing your supply chain operations.

Samsung Expanding Manufacturing in the U.S.

Samsung's $380 million investment in new U.S. manufacturing highlights the trend of reshoring for better customer and market alignment

Disney’s Main Street Electrical Parade and Compelling Timeless Experiences

Create compelling, timeless customer experiences to boost engagement and loyalty. Lessons from Disney's Main Street Electrical Parade.

Amazon and Whole Foods

Amazon acquiring Whole Foods reflects strategic foresight into retail evolution, blending online prowess with physical store advantages

Rethinking Sourcing

Successful manufacturers are re-evaluating their outsourcing/ insourcing/ near-sourcing options. To remain competitive and have any hope of staying ahead of the curve, they are knee-deep in considering the options.

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