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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) – Success Depends on People

Human relationships and understanding play a vital role in the success of Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) systems.

Fully Autonomous Vehicles Will Be Here by 2020

Autonomous vehicles seem to arise at every corner.  Last week, I heard a presentation on autonomous vehicles by the executive VP of Hyundai, and earlier this week, I participated on a panel at Future Ports Annual Conference with a Caltrans researcher on autonomous vehicles.  What is clear is that [...]

Lisa Anderson Releases Book to Spur Business Innovation

Lisa Anderson's book 'I've Been Thinking' ignites business innovation, providing readers with insights to transform everyday interactions into opportunities

2024-06-16T17:58:17-07:00June 26, 2017|Categories: Innovation, Press Releases|Tags: , , , |

VMI – Supply Chain Collaboration on Steroids

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) revolutionizes supply chain collaboration, optimizing inventory management and partner relations.

VMI – What are the Benefits?

What are the strategic and tactical benefits of VMI for enhancing supply chain collaboration, increasing revenue, and improving service levels?

VMI – Success Directly Correlates to People

VMI success is deeply connected to the human factors, emphasizing the value of understanding, relationships, and clear communication.

VMI – Do You Need Software?

Is software necessary for effective VMI implementation? Consider factors like scale, integration needs, and technical capabilities.

World Logistics Center & the Sheer Relevance of Logistics

The World Logistics Center impacts the global economy and has a role in reshaping logistics and supply chain dynamics.

How to Get Out of an Escape Room & What It Has to Do With Work

How escape room strategies can improve workplace collaboration, problem-solving, and team dynamics for business success.

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