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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

What’s Important in Technology?

Technology is an integral part of managing your business and supply chain. Are you leveraging technology to improve your business performance?

What are Executives Looking for in Supply Chain Professionals?

What are executives looking for in supply chain professionals?  That was the topic of the panel I participated on at the Drucker Supply Chain Forum with executives from the Walt Disney Company, Source Intelligence, Intelligent Audit and CSCMP.   So, what is the consensus?

The Drucker Supply Chain Forum

There is much we can do to learn continually and increase the breadth of our skills.

Reshoring Gains

According to Industry Week and the Reshoring Initiative, after two decades of job losses, we have turned the corner.  If you are interested in taking advantage of this rare opportunity, you must be prepared!

Professional Development in the Changing Landscape of Supply Chain

The end-to-end supply chain has become more complex, global and cornerstone to growth and profitability in companies; thus, top supply chain talent has become a differentiator to success.

LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson Is a Panelist for Drucker Supply Chain Forum

Lisa Anderson, a key panelist at the Drucker Supply Chain Forum, will share insights on evolving supply chain challenges.

Manufacturers Upbeat But Worry About Skills Gap

According to Industry Week, the Fed's survey of the economy expressed optimism; however, it also noted that labor markets are tightening.  Since I'm also embarking on refrehsing my 2013 Skills Gap research report, thus far, I've noted the same concerns for high-skilled positions. I hear far less conversation about [...]

Tour of Combustion Associates & Collaboration

Collaborating can be one of the simplest of goals and one of the hardest at the same time.  Somehow, collaboration seems quite simple yet is rarely achieved to a significant degree.

Keeping Your Project Team Motivated & Engaged

Motivating and engaging a project team is almost exactly the same as motivating and engaging employees. People want to be treated well, informed and appreciated

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