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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Is Digitization Hype?

Digitization isn't going to take over our day-to-day operations anytime soon; however, if we want to lead in our industry and provide exceptional service to our customers, we better get ahead of this curve, no matter how slow-moving at the moment.  

Do You Know What is Important in Selecting the Right System?

ERP systems often fail to live up to their promise - even in the best of circumstances. It is a tough environment - software suppliers are consolidating, the smaller ones can disappear or get gobbled up in a moment's notice, good resources are hard to find, and the list goes on.

Are You Ready for a Surprise Inspection of Your Service?

A commitment to stellar customer service is an ongoing process in which resources need to be dedicated to continuous improvement and exceeding customer expectations.

Do You Really Support Empowerment?

To be an effective leader oftentimes means empowering employees to make changes and decisions to help customers even if those decisions don’t align with yours. The 80/20 of business success stems directly from leadership. The best leaders can make even the worst-performing teams excel and, unfortunately, the weakest leaders [...]

2024-04-26T13:50:22-07:00March 7, 2017|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , |

Trump’s Major Increase in Defense Spending and Related Impacts

When military spending increases, defense-related manufacturing booms. It isn't rocket science to figure that out; however, it can be tempting to wait too long for confirmation of orders.

2024-05-15T14:33:15-07:00February 27, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, Supply Chain Briefing|Tags: , , , |

Tour of Toyota and the Toyota Production System

There is much that can be achieved rapidly in leveraging Toyota Production System techniques - no matter your industry or role.

Deloitte Survey Says Talent Gap Jeopardizes Success

We are in a volatile business environment. Instead of complaining or burying our head in the sand, we must find a way to get ahead of the curve.

The Right Combination of Technical & Communication Skills ROCKS!

February 18, 2017 I am the Chair of the APICS West Coast student case competition, and we just wrapped up our 2017 event.  We had 104 students from around the world fly into San Diego to compete.  It was a really impressive group of students!     The [...]

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