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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Technologies Transforming Supply Chains

Modern marvels and new information technologies are transforming supply chains.

Risk in Global Supply Chains is on the Rise

According to the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS) risk index, risk is the highest since 2013. It is easy to become complacent. Are you adding risk into your supply chain conversations and plans?

Are You Stuck in Silo Thinking in Your Supply Chain?

In today's Amazon-impacted marketplace, extended supply chains are more interconnected than ever before. Thus, we must be aware of the impacts of our decisions on the rest of the supply chain.

MacGyver Solutions & Using Under-Utilized Assets

I have solved countless challenges with minimal expertise in the particular subject area some thought was required when several experts with the equivalent of "Harvard PhD's" in that subject area couldn't. The MacGyver solution worked.

2024-06-09T22:12:37-07:00December 5, 2016|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation, Manufacturing|

Will Supply Chain Risk Surprise You?

Supply chain risks abound! Just look at the recent bankruptcy of Hanjin. It created havoc in the global supply chain. Ships were virtually stranded on the water. No one knew how they'd get paid. Customers still needed the product. And so the results were scary. Have you thought about [...]

Outsourcing, Insourcing or Near-Sourcing?

Whether outsourcing, insourcing or near-sourcing or a combination of all three, manufacturers need to reassess their strategies to measure risk and ROI.

Navigating the Global Supply Chain Starts with People

Your supply chain is only as strong as your weakest link so you must develop your employees and find ways for them to work together more effectively.

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