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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Hot Topics in Supply Chain Management?

Empower your operation by arming yourself with knowledge of supply chain trends. See the top four I learned from the APICS International Conference..

Vision Backed with BIG Goals & Leadership

SAP CEO Bill McDermott talked much more than just about data. One of his most compelling stories related to turning around Xerox's lowest performing division and ending the year as #1. Who says success isn't derived from leadership has his/her head buried in the sand. The keys Bill described [...]

2024-05-21T20:05:28-07:00November 22, 2016|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , , |

Strategic Data

Data can be just an item requiring storage and memory or data can be strategic. Are you thinking about how to leverage your systems and how to put the 'right' collaboration tools in place to gain data from your supply chain partners?

2024-05-21T22:36:45-07:00November 22, 2016|Categories: Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, ERP & Technology|Tags: , |

Technical Innovation & Japan’s Bullet Train

While in Japan last week, I had the opportunity to ride the bullet train three times - and, even waited to go back to Tokyo from Mt. Fuji to see it whiz past since you cannot see it in action in Tokyo as a terminal station - simply amazing [...]

2024-05-21T22:38:17-07:00November 17, 2016|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation|Tags: , , |

Will Your Supply Chain Risk Surprise You?

What happens when you have a break in your supply chain? Do you have contingency plans in place to mitigate business interruption?

Shangri-La: the Best Hotel Service Bar None

What are you doing to provide this level of service to your customers?  Are you providing what they have asked for or what they would love if they knew to ask for it?

2024-06-06T15:02:42-07:00November 10, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |
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