

About admin

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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Lisa Anderson Presents “The Increased Need for More Control, Speed and Profit”

Join LMA Consulting Group President, Lisa Anderson, as she hosts an interactive discussion on how supply chain leaders can make their businesses thrive when they’re up against shorter lead times, increasing risks and labor rates.

Navigating the Global Supply Chain

At first glance, it seems a bit challenging to figure out what can be done in a week.  However, since the global supply chain is all around us, it isn't that hard after all.  

5 Ways Project Management and Lean Manufacturing Speed Up Processes

Using lean and project management approaches together can take your production process to the next level.

2024-06-17T08:41:06-07:00October 3, 2016|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Why Financial Acumen is Relevant to Operations

Have you put your organization under review to look for ideas and solutions that may be right in front of you? Take a step back and look for those strategic weapons with an eagle eye at improving performance and your bottom line.

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