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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Unscrambling a Challenged System Implementation

When faced with a challenging system implementation, take a step back and reassess instead of devoting more resources to a plan that may not work out.

Why Customer Service Trumps All!

Customer service should rise to the top of your list in terms of priorities - assuming you want to maintain and grow your business and/or would like to enjoy your work life

Have Your Product Development Efforts Been Successful?

If you are already in a product development cycle, take a step back to think about whether you think achieving 30% of total sales within 3 years is feasible.

2024-06-14T17:18:28-07:00September 22, 2016|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation, Manufacturing|Tags: , |

Lisa Anderson Selected as Toyota Women in Supply Chain Mentor

LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson has been selected Toyota Women in Supply Chain Mentor for The Peter F. Drucker Center.

Lisa Anderson to Speak at Premier Project Management Association

LMA Consulting Group’s Lisa Anderson to Present The Amazon Effect: Creating a Customer Service Edge at 2016 PMICIE Professional Development Day

2024-06-15T01:46:25-07:00September 9, 2016|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: |

Mother Nature Adds to Supply Chain Risk

California wildfires have the potential to disrupt the flow of US commerce. A report from the Wall Street Journal quoting Lisa Anderson. California wildfires have the potential to disrupt the flow of US commerce. A report from the Wall Street Journal quoting Lisa Anderson.</div>Supply chain risk has increased exponentially [...]

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