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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

How to Manage Supply Chain Complexity (using PM tools)

Supply chains continue to increase in complexity. I've observed this firsthand from managing hundreds of projects in manufacturing organizations over the last 25 years, including navigating end-to-end supply chain. Being able to effectively manage this complexity is essential to achieve important business objectives–growth and profitability.

Resurrecting a Struggling System Implementation

Take the necessary steps and dedicate resources to review processes and think more broadly about specific steps and functions before the purchase of a new ERP system.

Who Cares About Process Disciplines?

Increased margins and company growth are easier to reach when process disciplines are emphasized within an organization

Can You See What Others Cannot?

Much of our success in consulting comes from seeing what others cannot. For example, assisting clients by helping them create better plans (that follow the quickest, most effective path to success), avoid costly and delay-ridden pitfalls that few realize exist, and successfully navigate through stormy waters......all quite important in [...]

2024-06-14T18:06:38-07:00August 18, 2016|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , , |

California Reopens Some Commercial Routes as Wildfire Rages

Commercial operators were scrambling to keep goods moving as a massive wildfire east of Los Angeles shut down one of the nation’s major freight corridors.

The Largest Newspaper Operations in the U.S. – the L.A. Times

Last week, I went on a fascinating tour of the L.A. Times operations.  It was quite impressive - and massive.  Did you know the L.A. Times has has the largest operation in the U.S.?  They print for the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and others in addition to the L.A. Times.

2024-06-14T18:15:32-07:00August 17, 2016|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Manufacturing, Robotics & Automation|Tags: , , |
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