

About admin

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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Agile or Traditional Project Management: Which is Better?

Although traditional project management gains results, using a bit of agile common sense can provide two critical factors in the current business climate – speed and flexibility.

Inventory Accuracy Pitfalls

The most common inventory accuracy pitfalls stem from minor problems but will snowball into bigger headaches if the root causes aren’t caught and resolved.

Successful CEOs/ Presidents & Leadership

I cannot tell you how people I've seen who have had a profound impact - with followers throughout the company - who were not in a direct leadership role.

Lisa Anderson Reaches Publishing Milestone with Project Times, an Online Hub for Project Managers

Lisa Anderson provides strategic tips and advice in over 70 Project Times articles, aiding supply chain and project management professionals

2024-06-17T08:57:05-07:00August 2, 2016|Categories: In The News, Project Management|Tags: , |

ERP Project Success: How to be Part of the 20%

More and more clients are pursuing ERP implementation projects as executives realize they need better tools to support business objectives – growth, service, margins, cash and the like

Forget About Cost Savings: Look for Process Opportunities

Have you ever thought about how easy it is to uncover process opportunities?  Most executives tell me 'no' as it seems much harder than it is most of the time yet they are very interested in these opportunities to improve their business.

2024-06-15T15:24:49-07:00July 13, 2016|Categories: Manufacturing, Process Improvement|Tags: , , |
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