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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

Serving up an ACE in ERP Selection & Design

ACE(SM) is a tested proprietary process that helps companies align critical success factors with business processes and supplier partnerships to achieve endgame results through improved ERP selection and design.

2024-06-29T18:42:48-07:00May 5, 2016|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , |

Organizational Review Can Yield Strategic Weapons

Have you put your organization under review to look for ideas and solutions that may be right in front of you? Take a step back and look for those strategic weapons with an eagle eye at improving performance and your bottom line.

Plan the Work; Work the Plan

Oftentimes we spend countless hours planning a project with details, responsibilities and timelines, only to forget to work the plan. Once a plan is done, refocus your energy to execution.

Why ERP Success Has Little to Do with Systems

After partnering with dozens of clients to help them select the “right” system that best fits their business requirements and partnering with many more to design the “right” processes in conjunction with their systems and people to achieve their objectives, it is clear that ERP success has little to do with systems!

Lisa Anderson to Discuss “The Amazon Effect” in April Institute of Management Accountants Technical Meeting

"Amazon is changing the business landscape" explains Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, Inc., which consults large corporations on supply chain management. "Unlimited variety is assumed, same-day service is the norm, and 24/7 accessibility with easy returns and exchanges is expected".

Evaluate ERP Systems with an Eye towards Your Supply Chain

Throw best practices out the window! Many systems tout that their system has “best practice processes” and so everyone should conform to it. Not if you want to stand out from the crowd.

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