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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

4 Critical Success Factors Key to ERP Success

I've always focused part of my business on ERP selection projects as these leverage the unique combination of my strengths — understanding the cross-functional and cross-organizational view in combination with the strategic priorities to identify the critical success factors. We then align these factors with the optimal business process [...]

The Power of BI (Business Intelligence)

In today's Amazon-impacted world, if you cannot make rapid yet effective decisions, you'll be left in the dust.

Innovation Awards Recognize Inland Empire Manufacturers at MCIE Summit.

The Inland Empire Innovation Awards celebrate inventive manufacturers. Participate by March 15 for a chance to be recognized.

2024-07-15T23:37:03-07:00March 10, 2016|Categories: Innovation, Manufacturing, Press Releases|Tags: , |

How iPhones (and Mobility) Have Invaded Businesses

No sales executive wants to log on his/her computer from the road instead of accessing information at his/her fingertips on a hand held device.

The Amazon Effect – Higher Customer Service Standards

Priming Your Supply Chain for the Amazon Effect

Published on March 2, 2016 Preview Lisa Anderson, President of Claremont, CA-based LMA Consulting Group, Inc. presents a primer for her APICS 2015 speech on the Amazon Effect and provides a few tips for success.

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