admin2023-09-06T18:26:05-07:00February 15, 2015|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap, Video Clips, Videos & Podcasts|Tags: Skills Gap|
Why Ports Delays Could Cost Billions
Whether you have supplies or products waiting at the port, I'd take this as an opportunity to be strategic in thinking about supply chain design.
Strategies to Reduce Operational Cost without Capital Investment
Focus on operational cost reduction strategies to continue growing efficiently while also giving yourself pricing wiggle room.
The Power of Dashboards
Focusing on relevant, actionable data is easier to manage when you can prominently display it on your dashboard. I've been working with a rapidly growing, smaller client that sees the power of dashboards. I have to tip my hat to them as most $50 and $100 million dollar companies [...]
How to Revitalize Projects to Ensure Success
Since projects are cornerstone to delivering bottom line business results, it is worth revitalizing your core projects at key juncture points such as after the holidays.
Why We Shouldn’t Shy Away from Risk
I always look for trends as I find that the 80/20 of success comes from watching and proactively addressing trends.
Why Implementation is the 80/20 of Success
Think about a project you are in the midst of implementing or thinking about implementing. What can you do to "stack the deck" in the favor of success?
Trends at the Top
Stay ahead. Keep an eye on business trends to ensure success.
Looking for Opportunities for the New Year
A brand new year is the logical time to look for business growth opportunities. The trick is in spotting the right chances and acting on them.