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So far admin has created 2037 blog entries.

6 Process & Systems Trends for Success

Business processes should evolve as the business climate changes by keeping an eye out for emerging trends and finding opportunities to pull ahead of the competition.

2024-09-14T14:12:49-07:00January 1, 2015|Categories: ERP & Technology, Process Improvement|Tags: , , , |

Retaining your Best & Brightest is Key to a Successful Succession Plan

According to a survey performed by the LMA Consulting Group (lma-consultinggroup.com) in conjunction with the APICS Inland Empire Chapter (apics-ie.org), executives said that succession planning is tied as a No. 1 priority in retaining top talent. This is especially noteworthy when considering that 87% of manufacturers and distributors are [...]

Dow Plunges…Volatility is the New Normal – How Adaptable Are You?

Prepare for volatility by focusing on adaptability and flexible strategies to thrive in uncertain market conditions.

2024-09-14T14:30:07-07:00December 13, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

On Pace with Strongest Job Growth in 15 Years – Think about Training

As the year winds down, it is a perfect opportunity to look for training opportunities that will support your strategy and plans for the New Year.

2024-09-14T14:32:35-07:00December 5, 2014|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Strategies to Succeed with Organizational Change

Organizational change doesn’t have to be scary. It is an opportunity for innovation and creating a positive workplace as long as strategy and frequent communication are applied

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