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So far admin has created 2037 blog entries.

Navigating the Widening Skills Gap

According to a survey performed by the LMA Consulting Group (lmaconsultinggroup.com) in conjunction with the APICS Inland Empire Chapter (apics-ie.org), 87% of manufacturers and distributors are experiencing a skills gap—that is, they have lost qualified people to retirement, job transfers, etc. The study also reveals that communication skills are [...]

2024-09-19T22:22:24-07:00November 14, 2014|Categories: In The News, Leadership & Skills Development, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , |

Tips for Physical Inventory Success

Completing a physical inventory is a necessary part of inventory management because accuracy doesn’t just happen, it needs to be achieved.

UPS Notes E-Commerce Boom

According to today's Wall Street Journal, UPS had robust growth in the third quarter, which was strongly influenced by the e-commerce boom. E-commerce now accounts for about 45% of U.S. packages. Is e-commerce on your radar? I'm on the flight back from Phoenix as I went to meet with [...]

SIOP Metrics: 5 Key Baseline Measurements

Of all the overlapping metrics available to executives the best ones enhance SIOP (Sales Inventory Operations Planning), also known as S&OP, and offer the most vital information for running a business.

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