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So far admin has created 2038 blog entries.

What can we learn from Amazon with service?

What can we learn from Amazon when it comes to customer service? 

Rapid Assessments for Success

If you are interested in profitable growth, start by focusing your eagle eye on making an honest assessment of your business.

What Sort of People Culture Do You Need for Lean?

Team attitude, knowledge, skills, and resources will make or break the successful implementation of lean. The best managers prepare the company culture for a bumpy but rewarding ride.

Data Mining for Dummies

Manoeuvring in today’s fast-paced business environment requires actionable information, which data mining provides. Locate your data to make your next strategic move.

Repeat Customers Come Back for Service

Repeat customers come back for service. In today's world, quality must be an assumption; thus, the key is to stand out in the crowd with service.

Are Check Points Required to Deliver Project Results?

Implementing check points in project management helps track critical milestones and ensures projects stay on course for successful outcomes.

Leadership Is the Cornerstone to Delivering Better Business Results

Profit through People by mentoring, listening, training and valuing employee input and contributions.

A Tip to Make Sure Innovative Service Remains Top of Mind

Pick up the phone and call a key customer, supply chain partner or someone with intimate knowledge of what your customers desire.

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