

About admin

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So far admin has created 2038 blog entries.

Motivate Employees as One Critical Way to Retain Top Performers

Implement effective employee motivation strategies to retain top performers and enhance organizational success.

Production Scheduling

The fun of production scheduling is also the most important aspect, managing competing priorities and variables to find the best overall solution. Production scheduling has been a part of my expertise since my post-college days at Coca-Cola Enterprises. It has been a part of every job I've held (whether directly or indirectly) and a part of almost every project I've consulted on since. Thus, I have a passion for this topic.

The 3 C’s to Leadership Success

Leadership is always a priority as results follow effective leaders and project managers. In today's marketplace, service expectations have radically increased due to the effect of customers like Amazon. Customers are demanding more for less on a quicker turnaround than ever before.

The Amazon Effect: Create a Customer Service Edge

Not only is growth harder to come by but service expectations are elevated due to the Amazon effect.

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