

About admin

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So far admin has created 2038 blog entries.

Profit through People® Newsletter Archives

I’ve used the Profit through People® brand since my newsletter’s inception in 2006 as it resonated with me as one of our core values. We have consistently included articles on strategy, leadership, manufacturing/ supply chain and technology/ systems. All of our articles are posted on the blog.

2024-12-19T12:26:31-08:00June 12, 2013|Categories: Profit Through People|

Lantz on Leadership: A Practical Approach to Creating Profit through People and Process

In this radio talk show interview, Lisa Anderson provides tips and techniques on how to leverage people and processes to achieve the best business results and in preparation for the "new normal" business environment.

2024-12-14T19:37:59-08:00June 1, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Podcasts, Process Improvement|
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