Work-Life Balance
Since I'm writing this newsletter from my vacation, it seemed a perfect topic to discuss, starting with the topic of why work while on vacation
Since I'm writing this newsletter from my vacation, it seemed a perfect topic to discuss, starting with the topic of why work while on vacation
Why not choose the road to sales, profits and engaged employees - focus on leadership!
Ownership can be a secret weapon in the current economic climate. Can you think of how you can implement ownership within your sphere of influence?
Setting goals doesn't cost money - just time, and it can result in a significant return on investment for your business, team or employee.
During tough economic times, skills development is critical. As jobs are tougher to find, those candidates embracing continual learning and skills development will have a leg up on the competition.
In today's economic turbulence and with the increased stress in both business and personal environments, networking and personal relationships are even more critical to success.
Effective strategies to attract and retain top talent: leverage competitors' losses, invest in people, and simplify hiring criteria.
Improve team collaboration by implementing effective brainstorming techniques that encourage idea sharing and innovation
Keeping in the life balance theme, I thought financial planning might be a good idea especially in the midst of the current economic turmoil
As much as it might seem impossible to take time out of your normal routine, give it a try. Creating life balance will rebound with rewards.