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So far admin has created 2038 blog entries.

Thrive During Recessionary Times – minimize complexity

The recession continues to seemingly worsen by the day. Businesses are cutting back. Employees are fearful. Foreclosures are rising. And the cycle continues. So, what is a manager or business to do to break this cycle?

2025-01-17T13:14:17-08:00April 28, 2013|Categories: Business & the Economy|Tags: , |

Succeed During These Turbulent Times – Manage for Cash Part 1: Manage Inventories

Businesses continue to cut back as the economy continues to worsen - seemingly every day. Cutting costs in a reasonable and smart manner is required; however, cost cutting alone rarely achieves success.

Transform Crisis into Real Change

The current recession has thrust many companies and individuals into crisis - at a minimum, plans have been put on hold, and in many cases, it has been the worst crisis experienced since the Great Depression (if the company was around since then).

2025-01-17T16:53:35-08:00April 28, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development|Tags: , |

Thriving in Volatility & Recession

We are in an era of volatility. Who ever thought we'd get used to commonplace bank failures? How about the Dow rising or falling by hundreds of points in a day? Oil gushing into the Gulf? Toyota quality issues? Never! Get used to erratic change as it is the "new normal".

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