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So far admin has created 2041 blog entries.

Made in the USA Gains Momentum

I was recently quoted in a World Trade Magazine article, “Made in the USA Gains Momentum”, and so I thought this would be an interesting topic to discuss on my blog. Read the full article here. Actually, I am quite interested in this topic, as I believe we MUST [...]

2023-09-11T12:35:25-07:00March 29, 2010|Categories: Manufacturing, Reshoring/ Nearshoring|Tags: |

Why Project Planning is Critical to Attaining Strategy Objectives

Published in "Project Times" website, March 3, 2010 Click here for original article. As we are beginning to emerge from the recession (and starting to feel as though we've survived the worst of it), executives are beginning to think about "what's next" - how to achieve their strategy and [...]

Common Pitfalls to ERP Project Success

Published in "Project Times" website, February, 2010 Click here for original article. As we are beginning to emerge from the recession, I've noticed that there has been an uptick in interest for ERP implementations. Of course, we are nowhere near the interest levels of pre-2000; however, businesses are beginning [...]

Top Traits of Successful Project Leaders

Published in "Project Times" website, January, 2010 Click here for original article. As we kick off 2010, it seems appropriate to consider how to "start on the right foot". After all, in 2009, many businesses were suffering in the recession and searching for cash flow; thus, many projects went [...]

Accelerate Project Results

Published in "Project Times" website, December, 2009 Click here for original article. In today's news headlines, we hear that companies are beginning to rebound from the recession in terms of improved profit; however, when we dig further, it's clear that the majority of the improvement is due to cost [...]

Just when you thought you “had” it…

Taking a step back and reevaluating what you’re doing (whether personal or professional) and how it fits into the big picture is unbelievably important! Just this morning, I thought I was highly organized and prioritized in how I was attacking my long to-do lists and what I focused on……..until [...]

2020-09-24T17:30:13-07:00November 5, 2009|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|

Project Management Software – NOT Critical to Success

Published in "Project Times" website, November, 2009 Click here for original article. Eliminate the excuses! There's NO investment required to achieve the 80/20 of project management success.  As businesses are struggling in the recession or reluctant to spend as they slowly emerge from the recessionary climate, it seems timely [...]

Awarded Board Approval in Supply Chain Strategy

I wanted to share a recent success with you. I was awarded Board Approval in Supply Chain Strategy by the Society for Advancement of Consulting (SAC).

Can You Use Project Management to Find a Job?

Published in "Project Times" website, October, 2009 Click here for original article. There are so many high quality people in the job search process today - after all, unemployment rates continue to increase, even though at a slower rate. Tell this "comforting" statistic to the exasperated job seeker. For [...]

Throw Out Complex Project Timelines

Published in "Project Times" website, September, 2009 Click here for original article. The current recession has made it all the more critical that companies deliver the expected project results - on time, on/under budget and meeting/exceeding the intended results. Therefore, it is critical that we throw out the old [...]

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