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So far admin has created 2034 blog entries.

Supply Chain Disruption Has Become an Excuse: Only the Proactive Will Thrive in 2024

Supply chain has become an excuse. Although there has certainly been a slew of supply chain challenges that carry on with baby formula shortages, rail backlogs, computer chip issues, hurricane induced delays, fertilizer scarcity, and China’s zero-COVID policy delays, supply chain should no longer be the excuse. Only the [...]

An update on supply chain challenges, opportunities 2023

Snarled supply chains throughout 2021 had industry hoping 2022 would be smoother, yet analysts said it would last into 2023 or longer. Lisa Anderson offers her insights about how 2023 is looking.

Labor Scheduling: How to Maximize Operational Effectiveness While Servicing Your Customer

At its simplest, labor scheduling is determining which people (and which skills) you should have at which sites at which work centers at what time (shift) to ensure the right products can be delivered to the right customer at the right time.

Reshaping the Future of Supply Chains

Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my! Wars. Communist threats. Rail strikes barely averted. A severe oil and gas crisis. Inflation soaring. Interest rates rising. Severe weather and stranded passengers. Shortage of baby’s Motrin. What else?!

When to Upgrade Your Systems: the Southwest Airlines Holiday Debacle

It depends. Being the first to upgrade for each new fad is a waste of resources for little, if any, benefit. On the other hand, if the upgrade supports your ability to serve customers and grow profitably, it will become a "must".

Bloomberg: Supply Chain Confusion Remains

Lisa Anderson, LMA Consulting President and Founder, feels there is still a great deal of confusion global supply chains. Anderson joined "Bloomberg Markets" with Caroline Hyde and Paul Sweeney on Friday morning.

Today’s Medical Developments: An Update on Supply Chain Challenges, Opportunities

Lisa Anderson's webinar on supply chain challenges and opportunities was picked up by Today's Medical Developments. Lisa discusses the current state of supply chain disruptions, the reshaping of the future of supply chains, and what you should do in 2023 to thrive.

How Packaging Can Contribute to the Triple Bottom Line

With the increase in interest in the three P’s of the triple bottom line (people, planet, and profit), packaging rises to the forefront. It is controllable, and there are several options for how packaging can contribute to the triple bottom line.

Sports Business Journal: Economic headwinds: Supply chain, inflation create liquidity issues for Daktronics; strong order sheet forecasts smoother sailing

Lisa Anderson was quoted in the Sports Business Journal about reshoring and the investment in domestic manufacturing and the importance to the future.

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