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So far admin has created 2034 blog entries.

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing & SIOP Expert and President of LMA Consulting Says Supply Chains Are NOT Islands

While greater awareness has been placed on supply chains, it has been up to individual companies to optimize and strengthen their own supply chains.

Why People Matter

Most clients do not have as much talent as they need (at least in key roles or sites). Similar to inventory, many clients might have talent but do not have the type of talent in the right place (or available) at the right time. Classic challenges!

Why Railroads Matter

There has been a lot of conversation about railroads lately. Why should we be concerned about keeping the railroads moving?

Supply Chain: An update on supply chain challenges, opportunities

Snarled supply chains throughout 2021 had industry hoping 2022 would be smoother, yet analysts said it would last into 2023 or longer. Lisa Anderson offers her insights about how 2023 is looking.

SAC: Start at the Top to Retain Millennial and Gen Z Talent

Lisa Anderson was quoted in the Society for the Advancement of Society's press release on retaining top talent and what that means for the millennial and Gen-Z generations. As Baby Boomers continue to retire, this has become a continuing hot topic.

2024-06-16T15:05:28-07:00December 1, 2022|Categories: Press Releases, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , , , |

Just-In-Time When Supply Chains Are Backlogged

The rising cost of transportation bottlenecks and service delays have left logistics managers with much to manage. Calculating the total cost of these issues is difficult when only addressing a predetermined price per transaction. Strategic partnerships between shippers and carriers can mitigate pain points and lead to a better customer experience. But, how can logistics partners improve the supply chain and reduce cost in today’s operating environment and create resilience in logistic operations?

SelectHub: ERP Trends: Future of Enterprise Resource Planning

Lisa Anderson was quoted in SelectHub on what will be important in ERP circles in the year ahead. Read about the importance of business intelligence and ERP. "Clients have realized they need to be able to slice and dice data to quickly assess changing conditions, make directionally correct decisions rapidly to keep demand and supply aligned and get a quick [...]

Rail strike could bring immediate impacts to some industries, supply chain consultant says

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she's putting everything on track for an early vote to quickly send the bill to the Senate and have the legislation approved before the Dec. 9 rail strike deadline.

Supply Chain Dive: Did the Pandemic Really Kill Just-in-Time? Experts Weigh In

Lisa Anderson was quoted in Supply Chain Dive on whether just-in-time (JIT) is sill relevant or has the world moved to just-in-case.

San Francisco Chronicle: Supply chain issues not a problem this holiday season as shoppers hit stores, websites early

Lisa Anderson was quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on how supply chain disruptions might impact the holiday season.

2024-06-12T14:43:02-07:00November 23, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, In The News|Tags: , |
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