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So far admin has created 2034 blog entries.

Short term vs the long term: Navigating Turbulent Times

As businesses struggle in this new era of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity), the divide between short term and long term seems to increase.

The MacGyver Approach: Leveraging Your Underutilized ERP Asset

Can You More Fully Utilize Your ERP System? Undoubtedly, yes. ERP has always been a core specialty of LMA Consulting, and we have worked with every single client on selecting, utilizing, and upgrading ERP capabilities. In our experience, 100% of clients can more fully utilize their ERP system. Why [...]

Right-size Inventory to Thrive During Inflationary & Recessionary Times

Inflation, Recession, Both? We are in unique times with inflationary pressures continuing while recessionary trends are emerging as well. In either instance, it is vital to right-size inventory. It will not change anytime soon. With interest rates rising rapidly, it will curb demand while increasing the cost of capital. [...]

Taking Control: Reshoring, Nearshoring, Friendly Shoring & Manufacturing Expansion

The Global State of Affairs The bottom line: It is a mess! What is going on? Unfortunately, there is a lot of volatility, and it will not smooth out anytime soon. For example: Russia/ Ukraine war: The Russia/ Ukraine war rages on and shows signs of escalation. There are [...]

Global Report: Supply Chain Management: The Haves and The Have-Nots… and Not Everyone Will Survive

Reprinted with permission from GLOBAL REPORT CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT & TECHNOLOGY 2022 Supply chain complications are more than just an inconvenience to the construction equipment manufacturing industry. Successfully navigating the supply chain has never been more essential to the financial health of our industry and the difficulties involved are creating [...]

NESCON: Managing Capacity in a Complex & Volatile Long-Lead Environment

Lisa Anderson facilitated a panel discussion at the New England Supply Chain Conference and Exposition on managing capacity in complex and volatile environments with Shari Ruelas General Manager of Commercial Products Chevron, Alejandro Bustamante Senior Advisor to CEO & Board of Directors of Poly/HP, and Dan Raatjes SVP & COO King's Hawaiian Holding Co.

Current Status & Opportunities in the Global Supply Chain

I am co-Executive Director of the Society for the Advancement of Consulting, and during our Annual Meeting, I facilitated a panel about the state of supply chain.

SAC: Consulting Society Announces Global Award Winners Outstanding Consultants Honored at 19th Annual Meeting this week

Lisa Anderson was quoted in a press release about global consulting awards.

2024-06-16T15:10:23-07:00October 12, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|Tags: , , |

USA Today: Black October is here: Transport delays, labor shortages slow supply chain as holiday shopping begins

Lisa Anderson was quoted in USA Today about the current state of the supply chain and how it could impact the holiday season.

Gaining a Logistics Edge with Inventory Management

Logistics costs have been staggering. According to the 33rd Annual State of Logistics report produced by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals by the global consulting firm Kearney and presented by Penske Logistics, U.S. business logistics costs rose by 22.4% last year.

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