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So far admin has created 2034 blog entries.

The Importance of Customer Service

We are in a time period that will prove more important than almost any other because more companies will surge past the competition during these turbulent times, propelling them forward for years to come. Executives will have a choice - push the pedal to the floor and achieve success or be tentative and pull on the parking brake and slowly retreat and decline.

Emerging with Supply Chain Strength – The Current State of Supply Chain & Logistics with John Mims

The Current State of Supply Chain & Logistics with John Mims, EVP and Chief Strategy Officer at Shipstore Software

2023-08-02T06:34:27-07:00June 10, 2022|Categories: ASCM Series: Emerging with Supply Chain Strength, Webinars|

Supply Chain Challenges, Remedies & Leadership

In this discussion we explore some of the challenges and remedies that companies across the sectors are encountering as they face into the post-COVID future and the challenge of a never normal world with ongoing supply chain disruptions, geopolitical tensions, and climate change.

Five steps to manage supplier risk in your supply chain | Netstock

Improved supplier data will give your supply chain the competitive advantage to drive customer loyalty.

Do You Need Software to be Successful with S&OP?

As clients become interested in S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning), also known as SIOP (Sales, Inventory, and Operations Planning) to get in front of customer requirements while simultaneously increasing margins and profits, executives want to know if software is required to support S&OP success. Is Software Required to Support [...]

Material Planning Best Practices to Proactively Manage Cost & Service

Since the pandemic, it has been a constant battle to ensure material availability, let alone to proactively manage cost and service. Even the most proactive and successful clients have experienced brief shortages of key materials and extended lead-times. The rest have been plagued with these issues.

Getting Ahead of Inflationary and Deflationary Pressures Using SIOP / S&OP

Because we live in a global, supply chain disrupted world amidst record-breaking prices for food, commodities and oil (and all products dependent on these industries), not only are businesses looking to navigate inflationary pressures, but also deflationary pressures. Inflation can lead to deflation as consumers panic and demand softens.

SAC: Profitable Growth Is Still Possible in Inflationary Times

"Our most successful clients are not hiding under a rock and maintaining status quo during these inflationary times," points out Lisa Anderson, president of Claremont, CA-based LMA Consulting Group, Inc. and manufacturing expert known for creating supply chain resiliency."

Zephyr Manufacturing: Proactive Planning to Grow and Scale

Lisa Anderson, manufacturing and supply chain expert and president of LMA Consulting Group states there are operational and supply chain priorities required to be ready to absorb additional sales". One of the most important components is to have planning and scheduling processes required to be ready to absorb capabilities.

2024-01-21T22:09:48-08:00June 1, 2022|Categories: In The News|Tags: , , , |

Southern California CEO: Worldwide Supply Chains Critical to Supply Chain Strength

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., states"supply chains are going to be volatile until our world order becomes more predictable".

2024-06-08T18:11:15-07:00May 30, 2022|Categories: In The News|Tags: , |
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