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So far admin has created 2034 blog entries.

How the Election Could Impact the Supply Chain

The economy is facing headwinds with high inflation, interest rates, and concerning employment numbers. The world is on high-risk alert with the Russia Ukraine war, and the Israel Hamas war, which has expanded to Hezbollah.

The Leadership Opportunity in Supply Chain

Supply chain is in a state of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA). Whether you look at the impacts related to wars and chokepoints throughout the world, the uncertain economy and resulting backlogs, or the uncertainty of the reliability of key sources of supply [...]

Lisa Anderson, Supply Chain Expert, Warns Potential Logistics Strikes Threaten to Disrupt Supply Chains

Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., warns of the growing risks facing supply chains due to potential logistics strikes in both the United States and Canada. As negotiations between the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA) and the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX) continue and the Canadian [...]

More Disruptions on the Way: How to Thrive Admidst the Chaos

There is a potential for chaos in the logistics world with simultaneous strikes from Canada's rail workers and the U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast longshoremen. It is gaining in likelihood each day as negotiations are not progressing.

Lisa Anderson, Supply Chain Expert Publishes Mid-Year Special Report on Future Supply Chain Strategies FutureScape: Crafting Tomorrow’s Supply Chain Today

A forward-looking supply chain strategy report by Lisa Anderson, emphasizing the importance of innovation and future-proofing in supply chain management.

2024-08-16T15:24:13-07:00August 14, 2024|Categories: Business & the Economy, Press Releases|

Lisa Anderson Publishes Mid-Year Special Report

Download Lisa's mid-year special report, FutureScape: Crafting Tomorrow's Supply Chain Today.

The Value of Data in Fueling Profitable Growth

Companies are overwhelmed with data. There is ERP related data, global supply chain data, world economic data, industry and market data, customer and supplier data, email communications, and the list goes on.

Production & Labor Scheduling Case Study to Maximize Productivity

As geopolitical and economic risks rise, executives become more concerned. Proactive clients are taking action to boldly invest where it makes sense while aggressively focusing on inventory and cost reduction of non-value added items/ work and also ensuring high customer service levels.

SIOP / S&OP: Successfully Navigating Turbulent Times with SIOP

Turbulent times are upon us. According to Reuters reporting from the Bank of America, geopolitics has leapfrogged inflation as the most significant risk to the market, and that was proven true as the market slumped with the expectation of Iran's attack on Israel.

Market Selloff, Volatility & Whether Businesses are Prepared

You would have to be hiding under a rock to not hear that the market sold off. The S&P 500 sold off 3%; the Dow tumbled 1,000 points, and tech company leaders lost a combined $1 trillion intraday (recovering almost half later in the day).

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