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So far admin has created 2035 blog entries.

Doing Business with China – Lisa Anderson, LMA & John Tulac JD

The Future of Manufacturing in the United States

Companies across the nation are predicting a significant shift from offshoring to near-shoring following the COVID-19 pandemic. Will companies shift their strategies toward Mexico? How will others adapt? Specifically, what does this mean for the electronics industry going forward? Join some of the forward thinkers in the electronics [...]

The Economy, Where It Is Headed & What to Do

Since I dressed up for my webinar with Eileen Angulo on "Navigating Coronavirus Impact with our Employees," it seemed a great time to do a quick video for I've Been Thinking on the economy and where we go from here.  One Tip to Implement This [...]

What’s the Best Way to Implement ERP Software?

ERP Implementation: Know the Plan, Process, Budgeting, Training and More The implementation of ERP requires more planning and budgeting than a wedding. Just like marriage, without proper preparation and planning, it often ends in failure. Whether you’re an ERP software veteran upgrading your current system or a newcomer, it’s no question [...]

SelectHub: You ERP Selection & the Pandemic

Click here to view this recording (Registration required to view webinar recording.)

The Digital Transformation

I’ll be talking more and more about the digital transformation as it will impact every client in a substantial way. Recently I met with a significant, regional CPA firm’s manufacturing and technology experts.

Impact on Freight Flows & Supply Chain Hiring – Dave Porter

Think Twice About Your Manufacturing Supply Chain

My recent episode from my new video series related to “What’s Happening?” in manufacturing and supply chain addresses reevaluating production outside of the U.S. There has been a lot of activity lately impacting sourcing decisions. Just consider the new phase 1 trade deal with China, offset by a very [...]

Are You Drinking From a Fire Hose in Managing Supply Chain Disruption?

Every client is experiencing unprecedented disruption! Unfortunately, one had to shutdown since their product is considered non-essential. Most others continue to operate to varying levels. Most manufacturers and distributors are considered critical because they supply defense, the construction/ building industry, the food and beverage industry or the healthcare/ medical [...]

2024-06-09T00:46:23-07:00April 10, 2020|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |
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