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So far admin has created 2035 blog entries.

Have You Thought About Whether You are Maximizing the Use of Your ERP System?

Explore the factors to consider before deciding on an ERP system upgrade: when to maximize your current system and when to pursue a modern, scalable solution.

Forget About Reducing Inventory; Perhaps You Have the Wrong Supply Chain Strategy

Clients and colleagues have demonstrated a heightened interest in inventory reduction recently; however, they are not yet seeing the full value! Certainly, with everyone worried about a potential recession in 2020, they are starting to think about not tying as much cash up in wasted inventory but that is not the 100-pound gorilla. The real question is why we are thinking about corporate mandates and full warehouses instead of seeing the big picture that we should reevaluate our supply chain.

The Strategic Use of Data

Have you thought about the strategic use of data? If not, you are missing a HUGE opportunity. Even in the most fundamental of businesses, having the 'right' data at the 'right' time in the 'right' place can not only enable quicker, more effective decision making but it can transform your business model.

2024-02-16T18:50:30-08:00November 15, 2019|Categories: Data Analytics & Business Intelligence, ERP & Technology|Tags: , |

Is Vietnam the New China?

Discover the potential of Vietnam as a sourcing destination. Explore the benefits, challenges, and impacts of Vietnam for your manufacturing needs.

Drones are More Than a Pipe Dream

Explore the potential impact of drone technology on industries, businesses, and employees. Stay ahead in the technology game to thrive.

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Considers Exports a Significant Opportunity for Manufacturers

CLAREMONT, Calif., Oct. 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., sees exports as a significant opportunity for manufacturers to grow and future proof their business. "As manufacturers work on customizing products and meeting ever-changing delivery expectations, it's [...]

Collaboration for Advanced Manufacturing & Supply Chain Success

Explore the power of collaboration in achieving success in advanced manufacturing and supply chain - essential in today's complex business landscape.

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