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So far admin has created 2035 blog entries.

Exports a ‘significant opportunity’ for manufacturers

LMA Consulting Group Inc. president Lisa Anderson believes that manufacturers should look to exports in order to expand and future-proof their businesses. Anderson is a manufacturing and supply chain expert who founded LMA, which works with manufacturers on strategy and supply chain transformation.   "As manufacturers work on customizing products [...]

2024-06-16T16:45:33-07:00October 24, 2019|Categories: Press Releases|Tags: |

Do You Know Your Demand for Your Custom Business?

Demand planning is critically important to inventory management success. Drive better inventory control, cash flow, and profitability

2024-02-16T18:53:20-08:00October 23, 2019|Categories: Demand Planning, Inner Circle, Supply Chain Planning|Tags: , , , |

The Future of Manufacturing Is Bright: Harvey Mudd Takes 1st Place in Global Student Case

Mentorship and practical experience can shape the future leaders of the manufacturing industry

2024-02-16T18:53:50-08:00October 21, 2019|Categories: Manufacturing|Tags: , , , |

Blockchain, IoT, AI, Big Data. Will Anything Stick?

Should I really invest time and resources into technologies I don't know will pay back? For example, there is a lot of conversation about the value (or lack thereof) with blockchain, IoT, AI and more. This concern continues to arise and is on every executive's mind.

2024-02-16T18:54:36-08:00October 21, 2019|Categories: ERP & Technology, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , , , , , , |

The Often Overlooked Value of Reverse Logistics

Pay attention to collaboration opportunities and reverse logistics. There can be a significant hidden opportunity in this topic. Why not focus attention and see what can be achieved with some common sense and collaboration.

Manufacturing Month & Interview with an Innovation Award Winner

October is manufacturing month, and so we'd be remiss if we didn't highlight the power of manufacturing on our jobs, economy and quality of life. Manufacturing is powerful in its influence although it is often overlooked.

2024-02-16T18:55:26-08:00October 21, 2019|Categories: Innovation, Manufacturing|Tags: , , |

Lisa Anderson, LMA interviews John Tulac, International Attorney

Food & Beverage and Future Proofing Your Business

As I have been thinking about the food and beverage industry (and process manufacturing) and future proofing your business, I see several examples of proactive clients and colleagues' future proofing their business. As this is my latest, hot-off-the-press LMA-i, LMA Intelligence topic, I thought we'd explore a few trends related to food and beverage. 

Clearing the Mind for Innovation & the Santa Barbara Coastline

I recently attended a CEO retreat in Santa Barbara. We talked about both our business goals as well as our personal goals and spent two half-days enjoying the area. I took the opportunity to clear my mind so that I could think innovatively.

2024-02-16T18:57:02-08:00October 10, 2019|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Innovation|Tags: , |
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