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So far admin has created 2034 blog entries.

Pricing & Profits: It’s Not All About Revenue

According to CFO Magazine, Amazon's profit doubled to a record $3.6 billion in the first quarter yet reported its lowest growth rate in quarterly revenue since 2015.

Logistics Newsmaker Q&A with Lisa Anderson

Earlier this year, LMA released a report, “Manufacturing & Supply Chain in the New Normal”, that includes insight from a number of industry experts and executives on current trends in logistics and supply chain management.

Amazon Adds In-Garage Delivery Option

According to Good Morning America, Amazon is adding in-garage delivery options to its already vast array of delivery options - in-home and in-car.

Part II: Two Successful Female Business Partnerships

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, Inc., Claremont, CA, and co-executive director of SAC and her partner Linda Popky, president of Leverage2Market Associates discuss female business partnerships and why they believe their partnership works so well.

2024-02-16T20:36:24-08:00April 12, 2019|Categories: Business & the Economy, In The News|Tags: |

Pepsi’s Innovations with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence appears to be taking over the world. You better get up-to-speed quickly!

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