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So far admin has created 2036 blog entries.

What do UPS, Shamrock Foods, Amazon & a 3PL Have in Common?

In touring multiple facilities, ranging from package shipments to cold storage food service delivery to the e-commerce behemoth to 3PL organizations, it became clear that as many conversations that take place about labor costs and other daily concerns, the #1 concern across the board is transportation costs

Have you Thought about Increasing Demand?

No matter the position of my client (typically a CEO, Owner, CFO, General Manager or Board member), he/she is interested in increasing demand, and the project we are brought in to focus on relates to increasing demand, either directly or indirectly.

The Value of Collaborating with Strange Bedfellows

There can be significant value and strategic advantage created in collaborating with unlikely partners if there are clear objectives, trust and an open mind.

Hiring Top Talent with Passion and Enthusiasm Key to Beating Talent/Skills Gap

CLAREMONT, Calif., February 1, 2019/ExpertClick/ -- The old adage, “Hire for attitude; teach the skills” still holds true, in spite of perceived gaps in the availability of talent, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Businesses still get ahead by hiring top talent with passion and [...]

2024-06-16T17:06:09-07:00February 2, 2019|Categories: Press Releases, Talent & Leadership, Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: , , |

The Global Logistics Landscape

Global logistics is relevant to GDP and to every business that produces, distributes and sells products.

The Stock Market, The Economy & How They Do Not Align

Key research groups are starting to talk about their predictions for the economy, and everyone is interested.

Guest Blog by Jyoti Sharma – 3 Ways AI is Transforming the Supply Chain

Artificial intelligence is increasingly becoming a vital part of the leading supply chain companies and is transforming the supply chain system at a very fast rate, even though many companies aren’t ready for it.

Manufacturing & Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson Predicts Resilient Supply Chain Key to 2019 Manufacturing Success

Manufacturing will be a top economic force in 2019. Key to the success will be creating a resilient supply chain.

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