

My Backstory & How We Develop Talents

Think about your talents.  What are they?  How do you utilize them?  Or how could you utilize them?  Also, take some time to think about your employees, peers and leaders.  What are their talents? 

2023-12-18T15:52:11-08:00August 15, 2018|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

Are Your Ready for a Systems Transformation?

The topic of Systems Transformation seems to be arising more frequently lately.  How do you know if it is time to consider a systems transformation?

2024-02-16T21:44:46-08:00August 12, 2018|Categories: ERP & Technology, ERP Selection & Upgrades|Tags: , , , |

Amazon’s Deal with Party City & More Competitors

Since Amazon is willing to search for win-win deals with the competition, who knows what will come next.  Are you impacted by Amazon? 

28 Expert Opinions Every Business Leader Should Know About Enterprise AI

“AI" and machine learning will have a profound impact over the next few years! For example, instead of following preventative maintenance schedules according to a rolling calendar which is likely to create unnecessary machine downtime while not resolving all of the unexpected machine breakdowns, AI can flip this equation on its head!”

2024-02-16T21:45:54-08:00August 6, 2018|Categories: ERP & Technology, In The News, Supply Chain Technologies|Tags: , |

It’s a Small World & the Customer Experience

No matter your position, try experiencing your company as a customer would.  Are you able to call whoever you might need to talk to without annoying phone system automation? 

Outstanding Customer Experience Can Be A Key Differentiator For Successful Businesses

CLAREMONT, Calif., August 1, 2018/ExpertClick/ -- Organizations that offer outstanding customer experience are often those that are more innovative, profitable, and higher performing, according to The Society for the Advancement of Consulting® (SAC). Innovative Cultures That Exceed Customer Needs Breed Success “It is worthwhile to invest in customer service [...]

Manufacturing Expert, Lisa Anderson, Presents 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace Executive, Kelly Ford

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – July 27, 2018 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert,  Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., presented the 2018 LMA Advocate Award to Aerospace/Defense executive, Kelly Ford.  "It is a pleasure to recognize Kelly Ford with our 2018 LMA Advocate Award.  We [...]

When is it the ‘Right’ Time for a Supply Chain Network Assessment?

Supply Chain networks that are not set up to support scalable, profitable growth have a high likelihood of negatively impacting your customers, impeding your growth and consuming far more resources than ever imagined to sustain. 

Supply Chain: Keeping an Eye on Global Markets

If there ever was a strategic topic of critical importance no matter your position in the supply chain, it is keeping an eye on global markets.  Are you making this a priority?

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