

U.S. #3 in Global Manufacturing Scorecard

According to the report, there has been a resurgence of manufacturing in the U.S. the last few years. With a continued focus on innovation, education and workforce development, we can keep this trend going.

Hawaii and Strategic Thinking

I met my global consulting group in Hawaii to talk strategy.  Have you thought about where you are going lately?  More importantly, have you thought about why you are going there?  It is quite easy to get caught up in doing whatever you set out to do a year [...]

People Rule!

Several situations have arisen recently that leads us to plead "choose wisely".  Examples abound on both sides of this topic.  Strong leaders attract top talent.  Weak and command and control leaders keep the weak and those close to retirement (in name only).  That is one of the things we [...]

2024-02-16T22:09:22-08:00June 14, 2018|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development, Talent & Leadership|Tags: , , |
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