

Which Business Best Practices Do Top Notch Trusted Advisors See?

In my ProVisors ODAM (Ontario-hosted Distributors and Manufacturers group – don’t you love the play on words?) meeting this month, we discussed business best practices we’ve seen with our manufacturing and distribution clients.

Are You Reshoring?

Where are you sourcing from currently?  Don't just jump on the new bandwagon of reshoring but you should give your total cost of ownership a second look as well as dig into your customers' expectations and sourcing impacts. 

What is Walmart Doing?

It is always a good idea to stay up-to-speed with what the leaders are doing in the industry. Who do you follow?

My ProVisors Ontario Group’s 5 Year Anniversary and Amazing Connections

Take stock of your connections. I bet you know more people than you realize.

Speed to Delivery: Goods Movements’ High Tech Future

Lisa Anderson was invited to be a panelist at the upcoming Southern California Transportation Summit to discuss “Farm to Table: Transportation’s High Tech Future”.

2024-02-26T21:16:54-08:00September 29, 2017|Categories: In The News, Transportation & Goods Movement|Tags: , |

Electric Cars Surge in Investment by BIG & Interesting Names

Whether we have anything to do with electric cars, we should pay attention.  Noticing where investments are flowing can be quite critical as it will impact your business in one way or another. 

2024-02-26T21:22:17-08:00September 27, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, Manufacturing, Supply Chain Briefing|Tags: |

Styx and the Power of the Positive and Enjoying Your Career

Why not take a positive attitude to your job/career - after all, you probably spend more time doing that than anything else most likely! 

2024-02-26T21:27:56-08:00September 25, 2017|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: |

A Tour of Skechers & Jaw Dropping Savings

A recent tour of the Skechers Distribution Center highlighted the environmental and economic benefits of the LEED Gold certified facility.

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