

Types of Capacity

Businesses with growth ambitions have to gauge the current capacity of every facet of their facility to plan future productivity

The Power of Customer Service

What simple thing can you do for your customer, your supplier, your colleague, your manager? Pay attention to what would make a difference.

The Brave New World of the Automated Warehouse

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc was quoted in the American Journal of Transportation on the need for warehouses to now service both retail stores and customers - so called 'omni-channel retailing'.  #### There is a revolution taking place [...]

A Tribute to a Top Salesman

Certainly, Sales is at the heart of any organization. Without growth, a company will eventually decline and wither away. Thus, having top notch sales people is cornerstone to success. Of course I advocate thinking of all your employees like salespeople as they represent the company and can make [...]

Manufacturers See Critical Importance of Collaboration

According to a recent KPMG survey on the Global Manufacturing Outlook, executives are thinking about innovation. 81% are altering their business models to to encourage collaboration with customers, suppliers and other partners to "improve the value of their innovation investments". Speed is critical. Thus, a key question is how [...]

Lisa Anderson and LMA Consulting Honor Advocates Who Contributed to 10-Year Business Success in Supply Chain and Manufacturing

LMA Consulting Group and Lisa Anderson celebrate ten years in business by acknowledging 10 individuals who contributed to the many key accomplishments supporting supply chain, manufacturing, distribution, SIOP and ERP consulting business made in the last decade.

Thanks to my LMA Advocate Awardees

People are cornerstone to business success. LMA Advocates are acknowledged for their contributions to LMA Consulting Group on its 10th year of business.

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