Travel Tips
Since I'm currently on vacation in Hawaii, traveling with family members who typically do not travel, it has become clear that travel tips I take for granted can be quite helpful - more than I realized previously.
Since I'm currently on vacation in Hawaii, traveling with family members who typically do not travel, it has become clear that travel tips I take for granted can be quite helpful - more than I realized previously.
Lately, I've worked on or have seen several projects that have lacked significant follow-up, and it was apparent how critical this step is to achieving results and so I'm devoting a lead article to the subject. The best plans are useless without follow through and follow-up. I've found it [...]
Lately, I've had my fare share of "dealing with difficult people". Although it is good to keep one on their toes, it also makes you take a step back and think about strategies for improvement.
I was teased recently of relating everything back to leadership, and I realized it is true - "it begins and ends with leadership".
I've noticed that the companies that focus on people have long term success; however, I've been frustrated that many times this pattern and reason aren't obvious to those inside the business at the time.
In today's business environment, lifetime employment is a scarcity. Instead, the focus is on continually maintaining and improving your marketability.
As it is New Year's Eve, it seemed appropriate to discuss New Year's resolutions.
As we seem to be heading into (if we aren't already in) a recession, I thought an appropriate topic would be business and financial literacy, as it is one of the key skills that will help in the survival (and even thriving) through a recession.
It is critical that businesses are able to continually improve to become and remain competitive. Training is a key component in this process.
When considering the question, would you choose the million dollar idea/ process/ technology or people, I've found that 98%+ choose the million dollar idea.