The Power of Language
Assuming a solid strategy and plan, I have no doubt that those leaders that master the use of language will not only be the most likely to succeed but also will have the full support of their people.
Assuming a solid strategy and plan, I have no doubt that those leaders that master the use of language will not only be the most likely to succeed but also will have the full support of their people.
There is no doubt that the power of relationships is significant. Sometimes, it is depressing that the best person for the job, project, political position etc goes unnoticed while the so-so (bordering on or sometimes decidedly a poor choice) wins the day through relationships (with nothing to back it up).
As we head into the summer months, I thought a few tips might prove useful.
Attracting and retaining talent is critical to your success.
Enhance your executive presentations by focusing on bottom-line results, maintaining high-level content, and utilizing process visuals.
As summer is upon us, I thought it appropriate to take a step back and think about a few tips for the season
Why not end the summer with a focus on paying it forward?
Think carefully about hiring, promotion and project team decisions. Consider the complete picture and total cost in order to deliver bottom line results AND to encourage a productive and happy workplace
Effective holiday season productivity strategies, including planning, appreciation, self-care, positivity, and enjoyment
Seeking success secrets for PFP design and implementation? Just ask management expert Lisa Anderson.