

Overcoming Obstacles

No matter how much you plan, you’re going to face challenges. But learning to hurdle obstacles effectively will save you valuable time and a lot of grief. As I've yet to run across an executive without obstacles, learning how to effectively deal with them has to be a top [...]


In talking with a client earlier today about goals, it reminded me of the often-overlooked importance of goals. Start with strategy - unfortunately, you can have the best goals in the world but if they don't align with where the company is headed, they are a waste of time. [...]

2020-10-06T21:40:32-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|

Leadership Essentials

No matter the client, I'm continually reminded of the critical importance of leadership. If you have to choose between leadership skills and prior work experience / technical skills, undoubtedly, leadership skills must win the day. My clients with exceptional leaders outperform the rest - every time. So, what could [...]

2020-09-30T13:13:59-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Talent / Skills Gap|Tags: |

Project Management – Team Timing

Form a team: Although this seems obvious, it is rarely achieved. The definition of a team is a group of people working together with a common goal. If one person on a team can succeed while the others fail, it is not a team. Estimate the time to complete [...]

2024-06-15T14:05:06-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Project Management Keys

I write a monthly article on project management for Project Times, and so I thought I'd compile a few of the best tips in this month's newsletter: Project leader - as my HR mentor says, it begins and ends with leadership. This is no different when it comes to [...]

Project Management – Task Ownership

It's obvious that no matter your career, project management skills are critical to success. What better way to get things done? Focus on critical path - It's easy to get caught up in 1000's of tasks on your project plan. Instead, focus all your efforts on just the critical [...]

2024-06-15T13:59:18-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Project Management|Tags: , , , |

Secrets To Successful Change Management

Successful executives focus on the bottom line—they identify what works and what doesn't work—then they change what doesn’t work. In today's business environment, one fact that remains true is that change is constant. Change is required to remain competitive. The key to success is to manage change better than [...]

2022-09-10T22:59:55-07:00May 2, 2013|Categories: Leadership & Skills Development|Tags: |
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