

News Nation: COVID-19 Protests Threaten Canada-US Border Trade

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., comments that the protest will cause delays, it will cause rerouting, it will cause people to fly again, if they are desperate.

When Will the Supply Chain Disruptions End?

Supply chain disruptions will continue throughout 2022. In fact, we need to accept that supply chain challenges will be commonplace in the next normal. Each link in the supply chain will continue to blame the others while the end-to-end supply chain will only be as strong as its weakest link. Manufacturers will continue to experience shortages of materials and labor while prices escalate.

MPO Magazine: The Path Forward for Supply Chain Success

Supply chain disruptions will likely persist well into 2024 and beyond as hospitals, healthcare providers, and medical device companies continually pivot to address the market's immediate needs, creating further disruption and misalignment comments Lisa Anderson, founder and president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., a consulting firm specializing in manufacturing strategy and end-to-end supply chain transformation.

Why Value Added Service Matters & an Eco Tour of Catalina

The new driver went over and beyond to make our trip extra special since we had to wait a few hours. He took us to places he doesn't usually go, made sure that we got airport cookies (a "thing" in Catalina) even though the staff already clocked out to catch a ride down the hill (and so gave them to us for free), and generally made it an interesting trip. Value added service mattered!
2024-06-06T08:52:58-07:00February 2, 2022|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , , |

Is It Possible to Realign the Supply Chain?

Global supply-chain disruptions are rampant. Manufacturers and business owners now routinely deal with triple and quadruple lead times, widespread shortages, escalating prices, and transportation delays. Every link in the supply chain is out of alignment. Think of the imbalance as a sixth-grader on one end of a teeter-totter and a kindergartner on the other—only worse.

Quality Digest: Is It Possible to Realign the Supply Chain?

Companies that take control and realign their own supply chain, instead of waiting for the global supply chain to resolve itself, will pull away from the pack stated Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc.

Baking Business: Companies Get Strategic to Pull Ahead of Supply Chain Crunch

In this episode of Since Sliced Bread, Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, explains where the supply chain stands now, how it got this way and what she sees successful companies doing to get through the crisis.

WBSRocks: Business Growth with ERP and Digital Transformation

Sales and operations planning is a dark art, and most organizations typically have a very ad-hoc process of forecasting due to its nature. But it's critical to be directionally correct with your plan. Or you might end up missing opportunities or losing customers. [...]
2024-06-05T20:41:37-07:00February 2, 2022|Categories: Podcasts, SIOP / S&OP, SIOP Videos|Tags: , , , , |

Shark Bite Biz: Why Are Store Shelves Still Empty?

Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group, Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert explains why the store shelves are still empty.

SAC: The Hybrid World Brings New Challenges for Leaders

"Our most successful clients realize that offering hybrid working environments attracts, and more importantly, retains their top talent,” points out Lisa Anderson, president of Claremont, CA-based LMA Consulting Group, Inc. and manufacturing expert known for creating supply chain resiliency. "Leaders will need to find ways to integrate remote employees daily and design workshops at key intervals to bring the full team together.
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