

Are You Ready for a Resurgence in Manufacturing?

According to a recent National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) survey, the vast majority (88%) expect sales, production and prices to increase next year despite the supply challenges. In working with clients across multiple industries such as biotech, building and construction products, and food and beverage, there is no doubt [...]

The Value of Reconnecting: Should We Jump All In With In-Person?

During the pandemic, we were all stuck in our houses. As the majority of people have been vaccinated, people are on vacation. Every client has at least one if not multiple people on vacation. In addition, in-person events are starting to ramp back up. There is a value in [...]

2024-02-14T21:13:53-08:00September 2, 2021|Categories: Business & the Economy, I've Been Thinking|Tags: , |

Commercial Baking: Sounding the Alarm on Supply Chain: The raw materials ripple effect

"Manufacturers looking for any kinds of raw materials or ingredients are having to revise their schedules continuously, and it's a daily challenge," said Lisa Anderson, supply chain consultant and president of LMA Consulting. "There are issues from one end of the spectrum to the other."

The Digital Transformation Fueled with Business Intelligence

According to McKinsey surveys of global Supply Chain leaders (May 15-May 22, 2020, n=60), 85% struggled with insufficient digital technologies in the supply chain. One of the key digital technologies is business intelligence (BI) and analytics. According to Tableau, the projected return on investment of BI in a 3-year period is 127%. Clients and colleagues are seeing the importance of adopting BI and predictive analytics to proactively manage the company and make critical decisions. Are you on a roadmap to adopting BI?

Lisa Anderson, Manufacturing Expert and President of LMA Consulting Suggests Supply Chain Accountability Key to Success

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA – August  27, 2021 –  Manufacturing and Supply Chain Expert, Lisa Anderson, MBA, CSCP, CLTD, President of LMA Consulting Group Inc., suggests that manufacturers and distributors should insist on accountability throughout the organization and extended supply chain. LMA Consulting Group works with manufacturers and distributors on strategy [...]

Creating Customer Advocates During Supply Chain Disruption

Significant supply chain disruption is impacting the client revenue and impacting their ability to service customers said Lisa Anderson, president of ASCM Inland Empire Chapter and LMA Consulting Group.

SAC: Creating Customer Advocates During Supply Chain Disruption Pac Rim/N.A. Perspectives

Significant supply chain disruption is impacting the client revenue and impacting their ability to service customers said Lisa Anderson, president of Claremont, CA based LMA Consulting Group, Inc and manufacturing expert known for creating supply chain resiliency.

Supply Challenges Will Extend into 2022 & Beyond

According to Industry Week, Toyota has cut production by 40% due to supply challenges. In addition to the semiconductor chips, COVID is raging in Southeast Asia, causing further supply chain challenges. The bottom line is that there are widespread supply chain challenges!

The Gap in Leadership

During the pandemic, there was a mass exodus of talent as leaders decided to retire early, switch careers or just take a step back. On the other hand, the leader's job is becoming far more challenging. Not only has the last year required navigating the pandemic but now leaders are faced with scarce resources, more work and new challenges to tackle with extended lead times, inflation and rapidly changing customer conditions. What should leaders do?

2023-09-15T07:50:35-07:00August 16, 2021|Categories: I've Been Thinking, Leadership & Skills Development|Tags: , |

ASQ Pacific Region: Pacific Region Quality Conference 2021

Manufacturing and supply chain expert, Lisa Anderson, president of LMA Consulting Group Inc., discusses data intelligence and global supply chain.

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